Senin, 20 Juni 2011

my own POETRY

Suatu malem, gue lagi bingung musti ngapain, daripada gak ada kerjaan, gue memutuskan buat membuat puisi, sekaligus melatih sastra gue, haha. Ini puisi gue buat iseng-iseng, so jangan dianggep serius. Dan satu lagi, ini puisi gue buat dalam Bahasa Inggris, jadi kalau ada kata yg salah dan grammar yang gak bener mohon dimaklumi, ockey

                                          First Love

you're eyes, make me feel so comfort
you're smile, makes me feel like flyin' in the sky
the way you walk, makes me feel like you all that I want

but now...

you've changed that
you've hurt my heart
my heart so broken now

can you imagine that...?
have you ever feel what I feel now...?

I know that a girl over there who you want
she has all of things that you want
charming girl, rich girl, clever girl, talkative girl, she has all of that

but I...

please understand me...
I've been tryin' to forget to you
but that's so hard

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